Selected publications can be downloaded on ResearchGate.
* double-blind peer review; ** editor's review
Weger, D. (in print): Developing Professional Competence for Translingual Instruction - Münster/New York (series Linguistic Participation in Multilingual Contexts edited by K. Cantone, H. Roll & T Schroedler) [published in German]
Journal Articles:
Weger, D. (submitted): Dynamics in Pre-service Teachers' Beliefs about Multilingualism and Linguistic Diversity in Education: A Q Methodology Intervention Study. Cogent Education.*
Weger, D. (in review): Investigating the Development of Pre-service Teachers' Noticing for Inclusive Translingual Instruction in Secondary Education: An Intervention Study. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.*
Weger, D. (2024): Language Biographical Experiences and Professional Action in the Tension between School Monolingualism and Individual Multilingualism. Erziehung & Unterricht, 1-2/2024. pp. 119-127.** [published in German]
Weger, D., Bogensperger, T., Strasser, M., & Zauner, M. (2022): Teaching Materials for Language and Cultural Learning at the Salzburg Museum - Design Principles and Task Examples. Babylonia Journal of Language Education, (3), pp. 92-97.* [published in German] link
Weger, D. (2019): Professional Vision - State of the Art on the Construct of Teacher Noticing in Teacher Education. Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen, 1/2019. pp. 14-31.** [published in German]
Imamović-Topčić, E. & Weger, D. (2018): Colloquial and Academic Language in Interaction: Pupils' Linguistic Strategies and Practices during a Collaborative Research Task in History Class. Orbis scholae. Multilingualism and Languages in Education, 3/2017, pp. 47-62.* link
Weger, D. (2017): From Information Flow to Motivation Flow. How Teachers Can Motivate. KDV-Info, 26 (50/51), pp. 31-39.** [published in German]
Strasser, M., Weger, D. & Ender, A. (2017): From Additive Support during Studies to Integrative Language Support in Teaching: an Training Model. Erziehung & Unterricht, 5-6/2017, pp. 445-452.** [published in German]
Weger, D. (2016): Exploring Digital and Analogue Learning Environments - The Concept of a Teacher Training Seminar on Connecting the Analogue and Digital Worlds in German as a Foreign Language Teaching. Reflecting Education Journal: Digital innovations in teacher education, 1/2016, pp. 106-117.*
Contributions in Anthologies:
Reitbrecht, S., Schramm, K. & Weger, D. (accepted): Learning as a model: Professional Development for Language-aware Preparatory Academic Subject Classes at the Upper Secondary School Level through Observational Learning. In: T. Barcovsky, C. Dalton-Puffer, H. Heaney & J. Hüttner (ed.): Current Challenges and New Horizons in Language Teacher Education.**
Zauner, M., Weger, D. & Ferris, K. (2019): Language-aware Teaching - Principles and Methods for their Implementation. In: A Ender, U Greiner & M. Strasser (Ed.): Deutsch im mehrsprachigen Umfeld. Sprachkompetenzen in der Sekundarstufe - Stuttgart: Klett-Kallmeyer. pp. 320-338.** [published in German]
Bogensperger, T., Strasser, M. & Weger, D. (2017): Learning German in the Museum. Theoretically Conceived - Practically Implemented. In: N. Al-Masri & L. Reitstätter (Ed.): Leichte Sprache im Museum. Ein Erfahrungsbericht als Handbuch - Salzburg: Salzburg Museum. pp. 44-55.** [published in German] link
Weger, D. (2016): Learning 2.0 - Training Oral Skills through Authentic Input and Internet-based Tasks. In: S. Chudak, H. Drumbl, A. Nardi & R Zanin: Medien in Kommunikation und Unterricht - Bozen/Bolzano: Bozen-Bolzano University Press. 2016. pp. 79-91.** [published in German]
Ruck, J. & Weger, D. (2015): Graphic Novels in German as a Foreign Language. Potential and Practical Suggestions. In: U. Eder & E. Burwitz-Melzer (Ed.): Kinder und Jugendliteratur im Sprachenunterricht 2/2015. - Vienna: Praesens p. 103-120.* [published in German]
Weger, D. (2011): Schools in South Tyrol finally on the Path to the Future? - The Project "Zeitsprachenjahr - Un anno in L2 - N ann te L2, L3" in South Tyrolean Upper Secondary Schools. In: H-J. Crooked & P. Portmann-Tselikas (Ed.): Theorie und Praxis. Österreichische Beiträge zu Deutsch als Fremdsprache - Innsbruck [et al.]. pp. 109 - 126.** [published in German]
Weger, D. (2009): "Morocco by the Lake" - A Story about Language and Integration in the Context of Teaching German as a Foreign Language. In: H. Lexe (ed.): Fremdheit/Vielfalt. Materials for the book brochure “Einander fremd? Integration als Thema der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur“ - Vienna: druckwerker. P. 24 - 27 (STUBE-Kolleg: Kolleg 1)** [published in German]
Weger, D. (2008): Project Outline: Literature as a Basis for Discussion on the Situation of Women. In: Austrian Exchange Service (ÖAD) (Ed.): Kooperationen - Auslandspraktikum Deutsch als Fremdsprache - Oberwart: Gröbner Druck. p. 29 - 30.** [published in German]
Data Sets:
Weger, D. (2024): Developing Pre-service Teachers' Professional Competence for Translingual Instruction - Questionnaire (OA edition),, AUSSDA, V1
Weger, D. (2024): Developing Pre-service Teachers' Professional Competence for Translingual Instruction - Stimulated Recall (OA edition),, AUSSDA, V1
Weger, D. (2024): Dynamics in Pre-Service Teachers‘ Beliefs about Multilingualism and Linguistic Diversity in Education. A Q Methodology Study. (OA edition),, AUSSDA, V1
Bogensperger T, Weger D, Zauner M & Strasser, M. (2022): Linguistic and Cultural learning at the Salzburg Museum. Teaching/learning Materials for the Exhibition "Salzburg unique". [published in German] Online at:
Weger, D. (2017): Language-aware Teaching. Module on the Platform of the Center for Language Education in the Context of Migration and Multilingualism (BIMM). [published in German] Online at:
Weger, D., Bogensperger, T., Strasser, M. (2017):Tell me about Salzburg. German in the Museum. Worksheets. [published in German] Online at:
Stückler-Sturm, B. & Weger, D. (2014): Young People have Their Say. Materials for German as a Foreign Language Teaching for Austrian Language Assistants - Vienna: Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. [published in German]
Weger, D., Ruck, J., Stückler-Sturm B. & Boysen, M. (2013): Austria in Texts. Literature for Children and young People. Volume of Materials on Austrian Culture in German as a Foreign Language Classes - Vienna: Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research [published in German]
Weger, D. (2011): The Gateway to the "Language Learning Adventure". Children's and Youth Literature in Productive and Creative German and German as a Foreign Language Lessons. - Vienna: printer. 2011. (STUBE Distance Learning Course on Literature for Children and Young Adults: Practice) [published in German]